"1", #VERSION VMINOR => "0", #VERSION VREVISION => "2", #VERSION VUPGRADE => "2", #VERSION AUTO UPGRADE COM 1 => "", 2 => "", 3 => "", FORM => "", TITLE => "", HEADING => "", LOGGED => "0", EDITPAGE => "1", // THIS WILL BE SET IN USER DEFAULTS EDITORNAME => $PRIME[MASTEREDITORNAME], // THIS WILL BE SET IN USER DEFAULTS ); //////// function to renew target royaladmin.php and make copy in local dir /// // IF UPDATED JUMP OUT OF THIS SCRIPT AND GO THERE AGAIN! if (file_exists($SITE[INCLUDES].'checkme.php') == true) {include_once($SITE[INCLUDES].'checkme.php'); if (CHECKme()){$header = "Location: $WORKINGURL\n\n"; header($header); Exit;} } else {print "Warning! could not check Myself?"; exit;} /// LATER TURN THIS INTO THE PRIMARY SCRIPT AND THE FOLLOWING INTO AN INCLUDE /// FILE, THIS WAY THE TARGET CAN ALWAYS UPDATE ITSELF AUTOMATICLY /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// END GLOBALS BUILD ///////// $COM[LOGGED] = CHECKlogged(); destroystuff(); ////////////// //print $PRIME[ERRORFILE]; //exit; if ((file_exists($SITE[INCLUDERROR].$PRIME[ERRORFILE])) and ($COM[LOGGED] == "0")) { include_once($SITE[INCLUDERROR].$PRIME[ERRORFILE]); switch ($ERROR[TYPE]) { case 301: header("HTTP/1.1 301"); header("Location: ".$ERROR[SENDURL]); exit(); case REDIR: echo "NOTHING YET"; break; } } if (($_POST['cmd'] == "logon") or ($_GET['cmd'] == "logon")) {if (file_exists($SITE[INCLUDES].'logon.php') == true) {include_once($SITE[INCLUDES].'logon.php'); LOGON();} else{showerror("There is a logon error please contact globel!");}} elseif ($_GET['cmd'] == "logoff") {if (file_exists($SITE[INCLUDES].'logon.php') == true) {include_once($SITE[INCLUDES].'logon.php'); LOGOFF();} else{showerror("There is a logoff error please contact globel!");}} elseif (($_GET['cmd'] == "error_manager") and (file_exists($SITE[INCLUDES].'error.manager.php')) and ($COM[LOGGED])) {include_once($SITE[INCLUDES].'error.manager.php'); RUNerrormanager();}//; elseif (($_GET['cmd'] == "change_access") and ($COM[LOGGED])){GETcontent(); if ($_GET['action'] == "alwaccess") {unlink($PRIME[WORKINGDIR].'NOWEBACCESSLLOWED');} elseif ($_GET['action'] == "stopaccess") {CREATEfile($PRIME[WORKINGDIR].'NOWEBACCESSLLOWED','NOWEBACCESSLLOWED');}} elseif (($_GET['cmd'] == "images") and (file_exists($SITE[INCLUDES].'image.manager.php')) and ($COM[LOGGED])) {include_once($SITE[INCLUDES].'image.manager.php'); RUNimagemanager();} elseif (($_POST['cmd'] == "Edit HTML") and ($COM[LOGGED])) { if ($_POST['action'] == "content") { GETcontent(); $COM[FORM] = $_POST['item']; if ($_POST['item'] == "1"){$COM[1] = EDITHTML($COM[1], "Content", $_POST['item']);} elseif ($_POST['item'] == "2"){$COM[2] = EDITHTML($COM[2], "Content", $_POST['item']);} elseif ($_POST['item'] == "3"){$COM[3] = EDITHTML($COM[3], "Content", $_POST['item']);} } } elseif (($_POST['cmd'] == "EDITOR") and ($COM[LOGGED])) { if ($_POST['action'] == "content") { GETcontent(); $COM[FORM] = $_POST['item']; if ($_POST['item'] == "1"){$COM[1] = EDITOR($COM[1], "Content", $_POST['item']);} elseif ($_POST['item'] == "2"){$COM[2] = EDITOR($COM[2], "Content", $_POST['item']);} elseif ($_POST['item'] == "3"){$COM[3] = EDITOR($COM[3], "Content", $_POST['item']);} } } elseif (($_POST['cmd'] == "SAVE") and ($COM[LOGGED])) { if ($_POST['action'] == "content") { GETcontent(); //echo $RAWHTML['editedarea']."HH"; //$OUTFILE .= "$RAWHTML{'editedarea'}"; if ($_POST['item'] == "1"){$COM[1] = $_POST['content'];} elseif ($_POST['item'] == "2"){$COM[2] = $_POST['content'];} elseif ($_POST['item'] == "3"){$COM[3] = $_POST['content'];} SAVEcontent($COM[1], $COM[2], $COM[3]); $header = "Location: $WORKINGURL\n\n"; header($header); Exit; } } else {GETcontent();} //echo "changed 2"; //echo $COM[LOGGED]; #foreach($GLOBALS as $ITEM){echo $ITEM;} OUTPUTpage($COM[1],$COM[2],$COM[3],$COM[TITLE],$COM[HEADING],$COM[LOGGED]); exit(0); /////////////////////////// SCRIPT END //////////////////////////////// ########################################################################### function showerror($errormsg) { global $PRIME, $SITE; $BOT_PAGETITLE = "Error"; $BOT_PAGEHEADING = "Error"; $BOT_CONTENT1 = $errormsg; OUTPUTpage("$errormsg","0","0","$BOT_PAGETITLE","$BOT_PAGEHEADING",'0'); exit; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function destroystuff() { global $PRIME, $SITE; // destroy old versions ######## if ($PRIME[DESTROYFILE1] != "") {if (file_exists($PRIME[WORKINGDIR].$PRIME[DESTROYFILE1]) == true) {unlink($PRIME[WORKINGDIR].$PRIME[DESTROYFILE1]);}} if ($PRIME[DESTROYFILE2] != "") {if (file_exists($PRIME[WORKINGDIR].$PRIME[DESTROYFILE2]) == true) {unlink($PRIME[WORKINGDIR].$PRIME[DESTROYFILE2]);}} } ############################################## function ENTERsetup() { $FAIL = false; // CHECK DEFAULT DIRS if (@is_dir ($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/") == false) {if (mkdir($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/") == false){$FAIL = true;}} if ($FAIL){echo "If you are seeing this message I was unable to create my directories? This is usually because the proper permissions have not been set to allow me to do this, please change your settings to read/write!"; exit;} /*if (file_exists($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/setup.default.php") == false) { $handle = fopen("http://www.globel.co.uk/programs/defaults/setup.default.txt", "rb"); $contents = stream_get_contents($handle); fclose($handle); $FH = fopen($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/setup.default.php", 'wb') or die("Can't Create file"); fwrite($FH, $contents); fclose($FH); $header = "Location: $GLOBALS[WORKINGURL]\n\n"; header($header); Exit; } else {include_once($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/setup.default.php");} */ ############ START setup.default.php########### if ((@is_dir ($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_online/") == false)) { if ($_GET['create'] == "structure") { if (@is_dir ($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_online/") == false) {if (mkdir($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_online/") == false){$FAIL = true;}} if ($FAIL){echo "If you are seeing this message I was unable to create my directories? This is usually because the proper permissions have not been set to allow me to do this, please change your settings to read/write!"; exit;} else {$header = "Location: $GLOBALS[WORKINGURL]\n\n"; header($header); Exit;} } else {echo "Setup not complete #1 Click Here to create structure.";} } elseif (file_exists($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/pclzip.lib.php") == false) { if ($_GET['create'] == "include") { $handle = fopen("http://www.globel.co.uk/programs/defaults/pclzip.lib.txt", "rb"); $contents = stream_get_contents($handle); fclose($handle); $FH = fopen($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/pclzip.lib.php", 'wb') or die("Can't Create file"); fwrite($FH, $contents); fclose($FH); $header = "Location: $GLOBALS[WORKINGURL]\n\n"; header($header); Exit; } else {echo "Setup not complete #2 Click Here to create include file.";} } elseif ((@is_dir ($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_skin/admin/") == false) or (@is_dir ($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_skin/default/") == false)) { if ($_GET['create'] == "defskins") { $handle = fopen("http://www.globel.co.uk/programs/defaults/defaultskins.zip", "rb"); $contents = stream_get_contents($handle); fclose($handle); $FH = fopen($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/defaultskins.zip", 'wb') or die("Can't Create file"); fwrite($FH, $contents); fclose($FH); if (file_exists($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/defaultskins.zip") == true) { require_once($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/pclzip.lib.php"); $archive = new PclZip($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/defaultskins.zip"); if ($archive->extract() == 0){die("Error : ".$archive->errorInfo(true));} unlink($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/defaultskins.zip"); /// CLEAN UP $header = "Location: $GLOBALS[WORKINGURL]\n\n"; header($header); Exit; } else {echo "Could not create default skin webpage!"; exit;} } else {echo "Setup not complete #3 Click Here to create default skin webpage.";} } elseif (file_exists($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/setup.php") == false) { if ($_GET['create'] == "setup") { $handle = fopen("http://www.globel.co.uk/programs/defaults/setup.txt", "rb"); if ($handle) { $contents = stream_get_contents($handle); fclose($handle); $FH = fopen($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/setup.php", 'wb') or die("Can't Create file"); fwrite($FH, $contents); fclose($FH); $header = "Location: $GLOBALS[WORKINGURL]\n\n"; header($header); Exit; } else {echo "Failed to import setup? Notify Globel."; exit;} } else {echo "Setup not complete #4 Click Here to create new setup file.";} } elseif (file_exists($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/setup.admin.php") == false) { if ($_GET['create'] == "admin") { $handle = fopen("http://www.globel.co.uk/programs/defaults/setup.admin.txt", "rb"); if ($handle) { $contents = stream_get_contents($handle); fclose($handle); $FH = fopen($GLOBALS[ROOTDIR]."/bot_includes/setup.admin.php", 'wb') or die("Can't Create file"); fwrite($FH, $contents); fclose($FH); $header = "Location: $GLOBALS[WORKINGURL]\n\n"; header($header); Exit; } else {echo "Failed to import Administration? Notify Globel."; exit;} } else {echo "Setup not complete #5 Click Here to create new Administration Program.";} } else {echo "in else mode!";} //echo "Oh Dear? start setup!"; exit; ############ END setup.default.php########### exit; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //if (!function_exists('fetch_remote_file')) {} #setcookie ("cookiename", "", time( ) - 1); //to delete cookie #setcookie ("cookiename", "This text will be in the cookie", time( ) + 3600); //persistant time in seconds # setcookie ("cookiename", "This text will be in the cookie"); //session only! ?>